How do I modify the services offered by my establishment?

Being able to easily update the services offered is crucial. This makes it possible to communicate precise and current information to its customers. This improves the user experience, promotes adaptability to market changes and increases the competitiveness of the company. Regular updates can also help attract new customers and retain existing ones by keeping them informed of the latest offers and innovations.

To start, click on "Local Profile" then "Businesses"

Choose the establishment for which you wish to change the services.

On the establishment's information page, click on 'Services' to access them.

On the services page, you can choose services predetermined by your main category or add a custom service.

Click on the 'Add a Custom Service' button to create one.

On the custom services page, you can enter the name of the service, its description, and the price if necessary.

Click on 'Save' once the service is entered.

You will now see your custom service appear in the 'Services' section.

"That's it! You are now able to add and modify your services."

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