How do I fill out additional information about my establishments?
Being able to easily update your website and social media links and contact details is crucial, as it ensures that information remains current and accurate, allowing customers to contact the business without hindrance. Helps improve the company's image by showing that it is responsive and well organized and helps optimize online SEO, thus increasing the company's visibility on the internet.
To begin, click on "Local Profile" and then "Businesses".
Once on the establishments page, choose the establishment you wish to modify.
On the establishment's page, you will find the 'Additional Information' section by scrolling down.
You will see two subsections, 'Links' and 'Contacts'.
Additional Information
To modify the additional information, click on the blue pencil to the right of the box."
You will be redirected to this page which will allow you to modify the links to your website and your social networks.
Once the links are modified, click on 'Save'.
These links will be published on Google and various platforms.
The contact section allows you to modify your phone numbers as well as your email.
To access it, click on the section.
Once on the page, you can modify your information and click on 'Save'.
"That's it! You are now able to modify and manage your additional information."
How do I fill out additional information about my establishments?
Being able to easily update your website and social media links and contact details is crucial, as it ensures that information remains current and accurate, allowing customers to contact the business without hindrance. Helps improve the company's image by showing that it is responsive and well organized and helps optimize online SEO, thus increasing the company's visibility on the internet.
To begin, click on "Local Profile" and then "Businesses".
Once on the establishments page, choose the establishment you wish to modify.
On the establishment's page, you will find the 'Additional Information' section by scrolling down.
You will see two subsections, 'Links' and 'Contacts'.
Additional Information
To modify the additional information, click on the blue pencil to the right of the box."
You will be redirected to this page which will allow you to modify the links to your website and your social networks.
Once the links are modified, click on 'Save'.
These links will be published on Google and various platforms.
The contact section allows you to modify your phone numbers as well as your email.
To access it, click on the section.
Once on the page, you can modify your information and click on 'Save'.
"That's it! You are now able to modify and manage your additional information."